Q1: How to change currency in Stripe Digital Goods for Joomla
I want to sell my product with Euro, but the default currency is USD. How can I change it to Euro.
Answer: You can change the currency in Stripe Digital Goods. But the user interface is not ready yet. You have to follow these steps to change the currency as Euro:
- Go to your website host root folder, locate the file: /www/yourwebsite.com/components/com_stripedigitalgoods/views/checkout/view.html.php
- Edit the file and find the line: $currencyCodeType = "usd"
- Change it to: $currencyCodeType = "EUR"
- Save the file
- Then, go to your website host root folder, locate the file: /www/yourwebsite.com/plugins/content/stripedgbutton/stripedgbutton.php
- Edit the file and find the line: preg_quote("$")
- Change it to: preg_quote("€")
- Save the file
Q1: Why are some of images shown in the gallery, but some are missing?
Answer: The gallery extension can only recognise the image files with ".jpg" extension, but cannot recognise the capital extension ".JPG".
Q2: Why is the image so small when I click on them and popup in the lightbox?
Answer: Usually it is because of css conflict. The width or height is limited by other css code. Here is an example:
Q3: Why does my website load too slow?
Answer:As images are always the speed killer for website, especially for gallery website. To make your website much faster, we provider an option in our gallery option "Enable Smaller Thumbnail". This option will help to speed up your website efficiently. You can enable this option in plugin option page:
Q1: Where to customize the "Payment Successful" Page style and text?
Answer1: To change the look of "Payment Successful" page, it requires programming skills. If you know HTML, Javascript and PHP, you can follow these steps to change the "Payment Successful" page:
- Go to your website host root folder, locate the file: /www/yourwebsite.com/components/com_paypaldigitalgoods/src/Controller/ConfirmController.php
- Edit the file and find the line: "Payment Successful"
- Change the HTML code as you want
- Save the file
Q2: How to upload digital product file which is bigger than 20MB?
When I add a new product and upload my digital product file in product manager, it always failed and gave me a message "Uploaded file size is bigger than 20M!"
Answer: For big files, we suggest you to upload them by ftp software, because it is unstable to upload very big file by HTTP upload. I am using "FileZilla" to upload videos to my server. You can follow these steps to do it:
- Creat a sample text file and rename it as same as the file you want to upload. For example, myvideo.mp4
- Add your digital product with this fake product file
- Open your ftp software and find out your extension Joomla administrator folder, the folder location will be /www/yourJoomlaSite.com/administrator/components/com_paypaldigitalgoods/pp_dg_upload/
- Upload and replace the face file with your real video file
Q3: How to change currency in PayPal Digital Goods Product Manager
I want to sell my product with Euro, but the default currency is USD. How can I change it to Euro.
Answer: You can change the currency in PayPal Digital Goods option page. You have to follow these steps to change the currency as Euro:
Q4: I cannot download my 400+m file after I made the successful purchase. Why?
After I install, configure and upload my product with the extension, I can successfully make payment but I cannot download my video file which is bigger than 400M.
Answer:: First, you can test a small file such as txt file to check if the extension works properly on your server. If you can purchase and download small file, then it means the extension doesn't have any problem. The next step is checking if your server has some limitation for downloading big file. I have some clients who meet the same problem.
Q5: Let customers pay without a PayPal account. How?
After I install, how can I let my customers pay without a PayPal account?
Answer:: First, PayPal Digital Goods extension supports pay by credit card or debit card directly, without a PayPal account. By default, it will show a login page to your customers. To let your customers complete their payments even they don't have PayPal account, please go to the extension option page and enable "Pay by Credit Card" option. Meanwhile, your PayPal account must be Premier or Business account. You can check with your local PayPal support about how to upgrade your PayPal account. (Actually you just need to link your credit card to your PayPal account to upgrade to Premier account). Then, you can double check if your "PayPal Account Optional" is turned on. Please follow these steps:
- Log in to your PayPal account on PayPal.com.
- Click Profile.
- Under Selling Preferences, click Website Payment Preferences.
- Select "PayPal Account Optional".
- Click Save.
Q1: The transaction states: “Wrong transaction” “Someone attempted a sale using a manipulated URL” under Logs.
I have successfully installed 1 product, with the button code on the form, which redirects to PayPal and allows me to complete payment. I set the product to be “Download link in Email”.
However, I never received an email, and under Logs, the transaction states: “Wrong transaction” “Someone attempted a sale using a manipulated URL”.
Answer: This problem is always caused by a mistake configuration in PayPal IPN options, from email section. Please check there is no space in the end of your email.
Q2: How can I change the default currency?
When adding products within the component, the price field has USD currency symbol beside this, without any options to change the currency. I will be selling in EUR – how can I change the default currency?
Answer: You can sell your product in EUR, but the user interface is not ready for you to set the currency manually. You can follow these steps to change the currency as Euro:
- Go to your website host root folder, locate the file: /www/yourwebsite.com/plugins/content/pinpbutton/pinpbutton.php
- Edit the file and find the line: <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"currency_code\" value=\"USD\">
- Change USD to EUR
- Save the file
Furthermore, if you also want to change the USD to EUR in component, you can follow these steps:
- Go to your website host root folder, locate the file: /www/yourwebsite.com/administrator/components/com_paypalipndownload/views/product/tmpl/form.php
- Edit the file and find the line: USD
- Change USD to EUR
- Save the file
Q3: How to upload file which is bigger than 20MB??
After uploading a zip-File we get the error message: "Error: Uploaded file size is bigger than 20M!" - is there a possibility to change the allowed upload size?
Answer: If you want to upload big files, we suggest you to upload them by ftp software, because it is unstable to upload very big file by HTTP upload. I am using "FileZilla" to upload big zip files to my server. You can follow these steps to do it:
- Creat a sample text file and rename it as same as the file you want to upload. For example, myvideo.zip
- Add your digital product with this fake product file
- Open your ftp software and find out your extension Joomla administrator folder, the folder location will be /www/yourJoomlaSite.com/administrator/components/com_pinp/pp_dg_upload/
- Upload and replace the face file with your real zip file
Q4: After successfully payment, I don't get email. Why?
I have installed extension and configure it user guide. Then, I made a test with my paypal account. I have made a successfully payment but I don't receive the email.
Answer: There are several problems may cause the problem, you can follow these steps to make a self checking:
- Please check the extension logs and transactions through the extension menu in your backend. If there are information inside, please take screen snapshots. Then please send screen snapshots, your website test link to our support email. We will provide the further support basing on your information.
- If the logs and transaction are empty, please check your PHP version and Curl module version. Please send these information and your website test link to our support email. We will provide the further support basing on your information.
Basing on the information you provide to us, we can provide much more accurate support by check your website and ipn.log.
Q5: How can I set tax information?
I already make the extension working properly. But where can I set tax information in the component? For example, in Singapore the price must include 7% tax.
Answer: The component doesn't provide a way to set the tax information for each product, but you can set tax information for all products globally. You can tax with following steps:
- Go to your website host root folder, locate the file: /www/yourwebsite.com/plugins/content/pinpbutton/pinpbutton.php
- Edit the file and find the line: $taxRate = 0;
- If you want to set tax as 7%, please change it as $taxRate = 0.07;
- Save the file
Q6: Why do I get "Duplicate Transaction" error in log?
I connect my extension with PayPal sandbox account for testing. But for testing, I get lots of "Duplicate Transaction" in my log page.
Answer: The extension is working with PayPal IPN. For each PayPal transaction, PayPal will send an IPN notification to the IPN URL, which you have set in your PayPal account. With this notification, the extension will be triggered to send email with digital product to your customer's email. In production way, PayPal will send the notification and the extension will save this notification in the database. To make it safe, if the extension gets the same notification, it will not send email and product, but record a "Duplicate Transaction" in log page.
In the PayPal sandbox environment, it allows to send the same notification for testing. In this case, the extension will record "Duplicate Transaction" error message.
Q1: Why does my customer member ship not update?
My customer subscribed on my Joomla website, he made the payment successfully. After he comes back to my Joomla website, his membership is not updated.
Answer: Our subscription manager extension is working with PayPal IPN. After your customer made the payment via PayPal. It will take time for PayPal to send IPN. The safe way is letting your customer know his membership will updated within 24 hours.
Q2: My customer subscribe successfully, but his member ship is still free.
My customer subscribe successfully, and I can find his user name in my back end subscription list. But his membership is still free in front end.
Answer: Please let him log out and log in again.
Q3: How to assign one article permission on multiple membership?
Answer: You can control the access permission by assigning multiple membership id. For example, you have two membership products, their membership id is 1 and 2. So you can assign both of them on one membership resource by:
{paypalaccess 1,2}Messages you want to show to users who don't have access permission.{/paypalaccess}