PayPal Digital Goods is a new payment method provided by PayPal inc. It is designed to sell digital content with low price. Compare with traditional PayPal Express Checkout, PayPal Digital Goods will request lower transaction fee for each micropayment, and provide a more suitable process for your customers to make payment and get digital products. There is an example in showing you how PayPal digital goods works in website. 

PayPal Digital Goods Extension for Joomla can help you deliver this new payment experience for your customers. You don't need any technology background and you don't need to do any programming job. Simply install our PayPal Digital Goods extension in your Joomla website, and you can start to sell your own digital products such as e-books, comic books, download music, videos, fonts, graphics, software or even mobile apps.



This Joomla extension has two part: the component zip file and the plugin zip file. Once you get this extension zip file, you have to extract it first. You will get two files: and Then, you can install them one by one.

  1. Log in your Joomla website administrator page and go to your extensions installation page
  2. Choose and click "Upload & Install" button
  3. Make sure your component installation is successful
  4. Choose and click "Upload & Install" button in the same page
  5. Make sure your plugin installation is successful


PayPal Configuration

PayPal Digital Goods Joomla extension requires your PayPal account as premier or business account. Therefore, you have to check your PayPal account and make sure your PayPal account is configured proper to work with this extension. The easiest way to make sure if your account meets the needs, you can make a phone call to contact your local PayPal support and ask them to help you get your account API credentials.


Extension Configuration

Before starting to use this extension, you have to configure it properly. You need to get your PayPal API credential username, PayPal API password and PayPal signature ready. Still, the most efficient way to get them is contacting with your PayPal local support. Keep in mind, PayPal API username and password are different from your PayPal login username and password. Following steps will show you how to get your PayPal information.

  1. Log in your PayPal account
  2. Go to account settings page
  3. Go to "account access" section, find "API access" and click "Update"
  4. Scroll all the way down in API credentials, find "NVP/SOAP API integration"
  5. Choose "Request API signature" option and click "Agree and Submit" button
  6. Copy your API username, API password and API signature for later configuration


Now let's configure PayPal Digital Goods components.

  1. Move your mouse on Components menu and click "PayPal Digital Goods"
  2. Click "Option" button on the top left side
  3. Fill in your API username, password, and signature from your PayPal account
  4. Choose Testing mode if you want to test this component with PayPal sandbox account; If you set to "Yes", please make sure that you are using PayPal sandbox merchant account API username, password and signature
  5. Clise "Save & Close"


Now, you need to make sure the plugin is enabled. If you want, you can configure the plugin to customize with your own buy button images. If you leave it blank, it will use the default PayPal buy button image.

  1. To enable the plugin, click "Extensions" menu and choose "Plugin Manager"
  2. Search plugin by name "paypal" and check if  the plugin is enabled (red cross icon means it is not enabled)
  3. Enable the plugin by click on "red cross" icon
  4. Click on the plugin name and configure it (optional)


Product Manager

After finishing the configuration, you can use product manager to add digital products. Product manager in this component is very easy to use. You can add one new product in less than one minute. Following steps will show you how to add a new product.

  1. Go to Components->PayPal Digital Goods->Product Manager
  2. Click "New" button in top menu
  3. Fill in your product name, product price and click "Choose File" to upload your digital product file
  4. Click "Save & Close" button in top menu


Sell Your Digital Product/Digital Goods in Your Articles

The feature of PayPal Digital Goods is in-content sales, which means you can keep you customer stay in your website to make the payment, instead of redirecting them to PayPal website. There is a huge potential to promote your customers for further sales. It will also make your customer happy because they will get what they buy immediately after they finish the payment. Compare with old time, your customers have to wait for you to deliver the digital goods via email. The new way will help you out of delivery troubles. The following steps will show you how to add your products to sell in your Joomla website.

  1. Go to Content->Article Manager, you can add a new article or edit an existing article
  2. Adding code {paypaldgbutton itemid=524ad2d79b337} in the article, please make sure there is no format on this code.
  3. Click "Save & Close" to save the article


You have successfully created PayPal Digital Goods buy button in your Joomla website. Once your customers click it, one payment window will popup. After your customers finish the payment, your digital product download link will appear in the popup window. Your customers can download it instantly. You are free from delivery troubles from now on.