Lightbox Pinterest Gallery is the first plugin which can help you generate a Pinterest style cascading grid layout gallery in your Joomla website in only one step. It is not like other plugin or extension, Lightbox Pinterest Gallery doesn't have complicated options. You can create a cascading grid layout gallery in your website with only one piece of code. If you want to create a Pinterest style gallery with 10 photos, you just copy and paste one piece of code into your article. If you want to build a gallery with 100 photos, you still copy and paste the same code. The Lightbox Pinterest Gallery help you get rid of the headache problem when you are using other plugin to generate the gallery. You don't need to upload and insert the image one by one any more. Just one piece of code will help you place all the photos in the right place in Pinterest style.

Furthermore, Lightbox Pinterest Gallery is fully responsive. No matter how wide your website is, this plugin will help you represent the gallery in the right size according to your screen size. It has a built-in Light box preview windows. So when your visitors click on the photos in your gallery, it will show a big size of the photo in a Lightbox preview window. This user guild will teach you how to generate the Pinterest style cascading grid layout gallery with only one piece of code.


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Install LightBox Pinterest Gallery Plugin

LightBox Pinterest Gallery is a standard Joomla plugin. After you downloaded the plugin file, please follow the standard steps to install it on your Joomla website:

  • Go to Extension Manager
  • Click Install Tab on the left menu
  • Click "Upload Package File" tab on the right panel
  • Click "Browse" button on install page
  • Select ""
  • Click Upload & Install button

Enable LightBox Pinterest Gallery Plugin

After you install the plugin successfully, please follow these steps to enable it on your Joomla website:

  • Go to Plugin-in Manager
  • Search plugin-in by name "Lightbox Pinterest"
  • Enable Lightbox Pinterest Style Gallery plugin by click "red cross" button

Configure LightBox Pinterest Gallery Plugin (Optional)

After you enable "LightBox Pinterest Gallery Plugin", you can go straight to create your galleries in the articles. There are also some configure options which you can set to make your gallery a little bit different.

Use Self jQuery

This option is to enable your plugin using jQuery library if your Joomla template doesn't use jQuery. In most of the case, joomla templates will use jQuery. Therefore, if you don't know if your website has jQuery, you can leave this option as "No".

Show File Name as Title

You can set this option to control your lightbox title when you click on an image in the gallery. By default, the lightbox will show gallery name as title. But you can also show your image name as the title.

Enable Smaller Thumbnail

This option can help you to create a small thumbnail from your original image for gallery, which can improve the gallery loading speed. However, this feature depends on PHP version and host configure. Not all hosts support this option. If you get some problem when you set this option as "Yes", please set this option as "No".

Website Root URL

I think most of the website doesn't need to set this option. If your website is hosted on the sub-domain or  a sub folder of root domain, you need to configure the plugin option "Website Root URL". For example, if you Joomla website URL is, then you need to set the option as "<em></em>". Here are the steps for you to set the option if needed:

  • Go to Plugin-in Manager
  • Search plugin-in by name "Lightbox Pinterest"
  • Click on the plugin name
  • Input your website root url
  • Click save and close

Create Pinterest Style Plugin With Code

The plugin is ready to create your first Pinterest style cascading grid layout gallery in your website. Please follow these steps to generete a gallery in your article:

  • Upload all your photos in one folder in your Joomla website (by Media Manager in your administrator backend)
  • Copy and paste following code into your article

 {pinterestgallery type=local path=images/pinterest galleryName=Pinterest}Pinterest Style Gallery{/pinterestgallery}

This code will tell the Lightbox Pinterest Gallery Plugin to generate a gallery by using photos in folder images/printerest in your joomla website root folder. It will use all default option to create the gallery. If you want to customize the gallery presentation, you can set following options in the code:

  • previewWidth: it is the photo width in the gallery
  • galleryWidth: it is the max width of your gallery width. As the gallery is fully responsive, you can ignore this option if you don't have special needs.
  • itemSpace: it is the margin between each photos in the gallery
  • itemPadding: it is the width of white frame around the photos

Here is an example to show you if you want to customize the gallery with all options in the code:

{pinterestgallery type=local path=images/pinterest galleryName=Pinterest previewWidth=150px galleryWidth=659px itemSpace=5px itemPadding=5px}Pinterest Style Gallery{/pinterestgallery}


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