Stripe Digital Goods for Joomla

Make money without pain!
This component makes your Joomla platform become a money machine. Once you install stripe digital goods extension, you can sell digital content on Joomla without any delivery trouble. Stripe makes payment much easier than ever. Only 3 steps, Stripe digital goods will take care of sales and help you manage the downloading process for your customers. Stripe Digital Goods Joomla component is compatible with Joomla 3.x, Joomla 2.5.x and later.
Price: $19.00Stripe Digital Goods is using Stripe's checkout interface for handling real-time sales. There is no delay for collecting money and product delivery. Your customers only need to type in their credit card to finish payment. No registration required! Once your customers make the payment successfully, they will get the digital goods download link immediately. Therefore, your customers don't need to wait for delivery email any more. Everything is on your Joomla website.
Stripe supports 139 currencies. If you have bank account in Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands or Spain, Stripe will be your best choice.
Features Overview
Instant Product Download
Once your customers pay successfully, Stripe Digital Goods will show the download link to your customer immediately on the screen. There is no headache delivery process any more. Your customers can get what they paid for on the spot. No delivery required, no registration required. Everything is on going while you are sleeping!
Manage Products
Stripe digital goods extension provides an easy product manager. It makes you managing your products much simple. To add a product, just assign a product name, product price, choose the digital product and upload. It only takes less than 1 minitue to add your product.
Manage Transactions
All transaction information from Stripe digital goods are stored and displayed inside your Joomla website. Transaction information will indicate how many products you have sold, how much is cut for Stripe transaction fee. It makes your balance sheet clear. You can monitor transactions and calculate revenues in one place.
Cheap Stripe Transaction Fee
Stripe digital goods is applied with lower transaction fee, 2.9% + 30ยข per successful charge. There is no hidden costs, no monthly fees, no setup fees, no refund costs, no card storage fees.
How Does it work?
Inside the Joomla Stripe Digital Goods component, you can sell products as many as you want. Once you install the extension successfully, please make configuration in this component options page, setting your Stripe secret key and publishable key. After you upload your products in Stripe extension, you can easily insert a sell buttons into your articles, by using our Stripe digital goods button generator plugin.
Whenever a customer wants to buy a digital product on your website, he presses the "buy" button inside an article. The Stripe payment window will popup. After a successful purchase, the payment window will close. Your customers will be redirected to digital goods downloading page. In the meantime, a Stripe payment transaction will be logged in the system.
1. Login to your Stripe account
Login to your Stripe account at https://stripe.com/ and go to Your Account->Account Settings->API Keys.
2. Choose different keys for test and live
In Strpie API keys screen, you will found 4 API keys: test secret key, test publishable key, live secret key, and live publishable pey. For testing purpose, you need to use test secret key and test publishable key. When you want to put it online and start to sell your real product, you must use live secret key and live publishable key. When you want to test this extension, you can use credit card on this test page: https://stripe.com/docs/testing
3. Configure Stripe Digital Goods Extension in Joomla
After successful installation in Joomla, plesae go to Components->Stripe Digital Goods. In the dashboard, click "Options" button on the top. In component options page, fill in your secret key and publishable key which you got in Step 2. Using test secret key and test publishable key if you want to test it with testing credit cards. Remember to replace them with live secret key and live publishable key when you want to put your website live.
4. Add Products
After you created a products inside the Joomla Stripe Digital Goods component, you can put digital goods component buy button generator code inside your Joomla articles. Go to your article and place the following code in your article:
{stripedgbutton itemid=524ad2d79b337}
524ad2d79b337 is the itemid which you can get from Product list in Stripe Digital Goods extension.

How to buy
Currently, I am living in Singapoe and Stripe doesn't reach here yet. I am still using PayPal on my website. You can download and install our component in under five minutes!