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Lightbox Slider Gallery For Joomla

Joomla 2.5 Compatible Joomla 3.0 Compatible Joomla 4.0 Compatible
Make Your Photo Website With Gallery and Slider

Lightbox Slider Gallery is a jQuery based gallery extension for Joomla. This all-in-one gallery integrates with grid gallery, slideshow and lightbox together. It will save you effort and time to search and install several plugins. Its responsive designe will make your website work perfectly both desktop and mobile platform. This Joomla component is compatible with Joomla 2.5.x, Joomla 3.x and later.


Lightbox Slider Gallery is a simple plugin with powerful features. There is no complex configuration like any other photo gallery Joomla plugins. Put all photos in one folder, it will create a gallery or slideshow automatically. You don't have headache problems to insert the photo one by one. The slideshow feature allows you to set the number of photos showing concurrently. The autoplay feature enable you to make a fantistic slideshow in your Joomla website. You are also free to change gallery layout or set the gallery preview size. Light Gallery gives you all the control on your gallery.

Features Overview

Create Photo Gallery or Slideshow Automatically

To create a photo gallery or slideshow, you just need to put a piece of code in your article, Lightbox Slider Gallery will automatically generate a photo gallery or slideshow in your website. No manually layout, no manually select, no manually set preview size. Everything is automatic.

Autoplay Slideshow

Autoplay makes your slideshow alive. Compare with other static slideshow, Lightbox Slider will make your slideshow much interesting and vivid. You have full options to control the speed, enable or disable the autoplay feature at any time.

Lightbox Viewer

There is a built-in Lightbox photo viewer in both gallery and slideshow. Every photo in your gallery or slideshow will be shown in a popup Lightbox when your audiences click on it. Your audience can view the photos one by one through the lightbox, without closing and opening again.

Customized Preview Size

You have the full control to make more customization on your gallery or slideshow. You can layout your photos, set width and height on preview photos.

Support Cloud Photos (Only Supported in Gallery)

You can create gallery with photos on your own website or photos from other websites. For example, you can use photos from flickr, picasa, Amazon S3 Cloud and any other file hosting.

How Does it work?

To create a gallery or slideshow in your website, you need to copy and paste a piece of code into the article. Lightbos Slider Gallery will translate this code and generate the gallery or slideshow in the article. In the code, you will set the location of the photos, the preview size of the photos, the slideshow size and style. If you have a special photo layout, you can insert several pieces of code to build your own layout.


1. Install Lightbox Slider Gallery Plugin On Joomla

Login to your Joomla administrator backend, go to Extension Manager->Choose File->Upload & Install.

2. Enable Lightbox Slider Gallery Plugin

Login to your Joomla administrator backend, go to Plug-in Manager->Search "Lightbox Slider Gallery"->Enable the plugin.

3. Set Website Root URL (Optional)

In normal case, you don't need to set your website URL. If your Joomla website is not hosted under your domain name directly, you have to set your website URL in Light Gallery plugin. For example, your Joomla website is hosted on, you have to set the website root url as

4. Copy And Paste Code in Article

To generate the gallery in the article, please copy and paste the following code into your article. The following code will create a gallery by using all photos under folder joomla_root_folder/images/my_images

{lightgallery type=local path=images/my_images}{/lightgallery}

Create Slideshow

{lightgallery style=slider type=local path=images/lightgallery sliderWidth=450px}{/lightgallery}


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How to buy

We are using PayPal Digital Goods processor. So you can get Lightbox Slider Gallery Plugin instantly once you finish the payment.