Lightbox Pinterest Style Gallery for Joomla

Make Pinterest Gallery in Your Website
Lightbox Pinterest Gallery is a fully responsive gallery for Joomla website. It will help you create a fully responsive cascading grid layout gallery which looks like Pinterest or Tumblr. If you want to show your photos like Pinterest or Tumblr, this is the right plugin for you. Lightbox Pinterest Gallery plugin is jQuery based gallery with built-in Lightbox feature. The plugin is compatible with Joomla 2.5.x, Joomla 3.x and later.
$15.00Lightbox Pinterest Gallery plugin is designed to help you create pinterest style cascading gird layout gallery in your Joomla website. This plugin doesn't have any settings so that you can create your gallery within 1 minute. To help you generate the gallery easily, the plugin will read the folder to find the images. Therefore, you don't have to insert the photo one by one any more. The Lightbox Pinterest Gallery plugin has built-in Lightbox feature. When your users click the photos in the gallery, they will see the full size photo in the Lightbox window. You have free flexibility to configure the photo frame styles. Light Pinterest Gallery gives you the full control on your gallery.
Features Overview
Create Photo Gallery in Cascading Grid Style Automatically
To create a photo gallery in cascading grid style or Pinterest style, you just need to put a piece of code in your article, Lightbox Pinterest Gallery will automatically generate a photo gallery in your website. No manually layout, no manually select, no manually set preview size. Everything is automatic.
Fully Responsive
This plugin helps you to generate fully responsive pinterest style gallery. That means the gallery will perform perfect in any size of screens. No matter how wide your website is, the gallery will automatically fix the size of your website. You also has an option to set the max width of the gallery so that you can control how wide your gallery will be.
Lightbox Viewer
There is a built-in Lightbox photo viewer in the gallery. Every photo in your gallery will be shown in a popup Lightbox when your audience clicks on it. Your audience can view the photos one by one through the lightbox, without closing and opening again.
Customized Preview Size
You have the full control to make more customization on your gallery. You can set max width of your gallery. You can set the preview photo size in the gallery. You can set the photo frame style of the gallery. You can even set the photo space.
How Does it work?
To create a pinterest gallery in your website, you need to copy and paste a piece of code into the article. Lightbos Pinterest Gallery will translate this code and generate a cascading grid layout gallery in the article. In the code, you will set the location of the photos, the preview size of the photos, the max width size. Or you can simply use the default value to generate a gallery in 1 minute.
1. Install Lightbox Pinterest Gallery Plugin On Joomla
Login to your Joomla administrator backend, go to Extension Manager->Choose File->Upload & Install.
2. Enable Lightbox Pinterest Gallery Plugin
Login to your Joomla administrator backend, go to Plug-in Manager->Search "Lightbox Pinterest Style Gallery"->Enable the plugin.
3. Set Website Root URL (Optional)
In normal case, you don't need to set your website URL. If your Joomla website is not hosted under your domain name directly, you have to set your website URL in Light Gallery plugin. For example, your Joomla website is hosted on http://www.yourdomainname.com/joomla, you have to set the website root url as http://www.yourdomainname.com/joomla.
4. Copy And Paste Code in Article
To generate the gallery in the article, please copy and paste the following code into your article. The following code will create a gallery by using all photos under folder joomla_root_folder/images/my_images
{lightgallery type=local path=images/my_images}{/lightgallery}

How to buy
We have integrated PayPal Digital Goods Extension in our website as well. You can download and install our component in under five minutes! We use PayPal Digital Goods processor. So you can get the Lightbox Pinterest Style Gallery plugin instantly once you finish the payment.