Subscription Manager for Joomla
our latest and most powerfull extensionThis component is the easiest way for you to provide paid subscription based access to your Joomla website. It is connected to PayPal and automates the process of selling subscriptions and creating accounts.
Price: $19
PayPal Express Checkout for Joomla
PayPal Express Checkout is designed for you to sell digital products directly on your Joomla website. It is designed for people who are using PayPal Personal account or Premier account. PayPal Express Checkout will handle the downloadable product delivery automatically once your customers make a successfully purchase. PayPal Express Checkout will take care of sales and help you manage the downloading process for your customers.
Price: $19
PayPal Digital Goods for Joomla
Make money while you sleep!This component gives you the cutting edge on Joomla platform! Sell digital content through PayPal without any delivery trouble. Once you upload your digital product and set a price, you can publish your buy button wherever you want. PayPal digital goods will take care of sales and help you manage the downloading process for your customers.
Price: $19
PayPal IPN for Joomla
Make money while you sleep!This component is your best buddy when it comes to selling digital goods through PayPal. It gives you the cutting edge on Joomla! Sell digital goods using PayPal and automate it's delivery through email.
Price: $19
Stripe Digital Goods for Joomla
This component makes your Joomla platform become a money machine. Once you install stripe digital goods extension, you can sell digital content on Joomla without any delivery trouble. You can make money while you are sleeping!
Price: $19
Live Chat for Joomla
Over 30.000 people downloaded and tested our free beta edition. We took their feedback and created a bigger, better and faster Live Chat component.
Price: $15
Lightbox Slider Gallery For Joomla
Generate Gallery in a MinuteLightbox Slider Gallery is a jQuery based gallery extension for Joomla. This all-in-one gallery integrates with grid gallery, slideshow and lightbox together.
Price: $15
Lightbox Pinterest Gallery For Joomla
Create Pinterest Gallery in One StepLightbox Pinterest Gallery plugin will help you create a fully responsive pinterest style gallery in your Joomla website.
Price: $15
Light Gallery for Joomla
Light Gallery plugin provides the simplest way for you to generate photo gallery in Joomla website. There is no complicated settings. You give the photo folders, Light Gallery helps you create the galleries automatically.
Click Tracker for Joomla
Hide and track affiliate linksDon't pay $99 for a bloated affiliate management system. We created a small and simple tracking system for all your weblinks. Click Tracker essentially hides, tracks and generates all your (Affiliate) links inside your Joomla content. Fast, simple and easy to setup in under 5 minutes.
Price: 9€